Project Overview & Purpose
The City's zoning and subdivision regulations govern the use and development of land within the City limits. This project will focus on rewriting the existing land development regulations, sign regulations, and design standards (such as parking, street design, and landscaping). This effort will also streamline and simplify development procedures to ensure clear and efficient processes.
The project will be driven by industry best practices, input from code users and community stakeholders, and the policies and actions identified through the Choctaw Comprehensive Plan process.
Click Here to Read the 2017 Choctaw Comprehensive Plan
Input will be collected through a community open house and interviews with frequent code users, which will be held during Phase 1. This approach allows for input early in the process before the amendments are drafted.
A working group composed of City Staff and a consultant team will work closely to prepare draft amendments to the code. The working group will present the draft amendments to the Planning Commission and City Council for periodic review and feedback. City staff will engage stakeholders during this process, providing ongoing opportunities for review, collaboration, and input. The draft amendments will ultimately be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council for final review and adoption consideration.
Planning 101
The City adopted the Choctaw Comprehensive Plan, in 2017. A comprehensive plan is a high-level planning and policy guide. The plan is not zoning or any other enforceable regulation; however, it is used to inform the City’s regulations. Many of those regulations are contained within the City’s Development Code.
The Comprehensive Plan process included community engagement opportunities to identify the vision for the future of Choctaw. Based on this vision, the City identified 90 actions to help achieve this vision. Many of these actions are anticipated to be addressed through the Development Code update.
The Unified Development Code will be created in a three-phase process. The first phase is a diagnostic evaluation, during which our team reviews the City’s existing plans and codes, and conducts interviews with typical code users. The second phase is the preparation of the draft Development Code. The consultant team works with City Staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council through this phase. The final phase is a refinement of the draft Unified Development Code through a workshop with The Planning Commission and City Council. Ultimately, the Planning Commission and City Cpuncil will consider adoption of the new Unified Development Code.
You are encouraged to participate in our Public Survey and utilize our Map Activity to provide input throughout the planning process.
If you have any questions or would like to message our team directly, see the Contact Us section to send an email. Please be sure to include your contact information if you would like a response.
Get Involved
We want to hear from you! Click the button below to participate in the Public Survey through August 31, 2024.